A Guide For Your First Date

A girl’s first date is a wonderful and exciting experience, and is one sign of womanhood. Remember to take a breath! Many girls are nervous on a first date, or the time leading up to it. It’s important to remember that your date is just as nervous as you are, maybe even more nervous. But all you have to do it show up and be yourself! Acting like someone else or hiding your personality won’t allow your date to truly see what an unique and special young woman you are. The right boy will like you for just being you!


  1. Smile throughout the date and don’t be too shy or quiet, so your date won’t think you don’t want to be there

  2. Always tell your family members and a good friend the plans for the date, and what time you will be back home

  3. Take a cell phone on your date

  4. Always take cash just in case your date makes you pay or if you get in an emergency and need it

  5. Tell your family members the full name of your date and where you met them, and a little info about them

  6. Don’t let your date force you to do anything you are not comfortable with, even if you like them! Don’t be afraid to say no and don’t worry about impressing them

  7. Have fun, relax, and be yourself!


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